Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#163967 - It didn't take long and I could feel Liz's clit get a little harder and I knew she was going to cum! I sucked her and she began to spurt her load in my mouth as I flinched from the spurts, but I continued to suck her clit as she erupted in my virgin mouth! Liz moaned loudly as she came, I could feel her clit spasm and jerk as each ounce of warm salty fluid shot in to my mouth! I hate to admit, but I kind of liked it, maybe it was from finally knowing what Melissa felt so many times before when I came in her mouth! Soon Liz's clit stopped pulsating and it shrank quickly. I could tell she used the lube as her finger slide right in.

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A stranger that appear in every of his hentai haha
Sera eguchi