Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#220421 - “A-ah, p-please, it hurts!” Dylan whimpered as his eyes squeezed shut, feeling her shift and ready herself under him, one of her huge breasts supporting his head like the perfect pillow, a small comfort in his current position. “Mm! Tell me more?” And she did, telling him what her routine usually was and about some of her co-workers, about a recent drama involving two coworkers who had recently begun a relationship in the office, but who had somehow garnered the blessing of the manager so Charlene had been forced to reach a compromise where they saw each other, but, following one or two ‘incidents’ weren’t allowed to go to the toilets at the same time together. Biting her lip, a blush already forming at her cheeks she fumbled at the lock to her house, finally managing to push it open and step inside.

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