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#143694 - I’m looking at the price and it still seems a bit high, so ill tell you what I’m going to do for everyone who call's and orders my machine before the end of this program about 5 minutes from now, I’m going to take off one full payment now the price is only 3 easy monthly payments of only $500. 00, what if I told you that you can take this lovely machine home for just 4 easy monthly payments of $500. He picked up a large steel spit This is the spit that will come with your Spartan Spitter, its a full 8 feet long and 3 inches thick, we make them thick for two reasons, thickness means strength this spit will not bend, buckle of break under any weight, the second reason is the thicker the spit the more pleasure it will give your meat-girl Ron said as he held up the spit for all to see and placed it down on the counter its also guaranteed to stay sharp for ever, you never have to sharpen this spit!!, we will replace it if it ever gets broken, dull or damaged even if its your fa

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Need some dick like that