Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#214977 - She was dancing with her friend Elaine, who I’d dated several years previously & she gave a little wave as the music stopped to be replaced by a babble of voices shouting for more beer, more vodka & a whole range of 'conversation'; it was impossible to hear what anyone was saying while the music played unless they cupped a hand around your ear & shouted, but in the lull that followed Tracy walked over for a chat, while Elaine went over to her new boyfriend & began a tonsillectomy on him with her tongue. The mass of people around us & the fact she was a few inches shorter than my 6' meant she had to lean up, then into me as I asked her how Gary, her husband, was getting on as I’d not seen him for a while & was astonished when she hissed into my ear, 'don't speak to me about that bastard!' Her body quivered with rage against me as she told me how he'd been 'shagging some tart.

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