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#214576 - I fucked her like that for some 10 minutes before slowing and letting her get her breath, she even looked a bit dissapointed that I had stopped, my cock soon filled her butt and I fucked her for awhile longer, before laying next to her, she would now be game to try most thing, as I shoved it straight in her pussy, with the 18 inch dildo still in her butt it was tight, but she took it. She asked me how come I was so clean her hand and arm although wet with lube were clean, I said thats what the douche is for, to wash out my internals, she looked puzzled, so I exlained how I use it, then she realsied of course, I had fucked her without using it, again I said if I hd asked to before hand would you have used it, No she said. I had to rest, and pulled of her arm, we kissed hthe best kiss yet, her tongue going down my throut, I knew she was hooked.

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