Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#157886 - His big cock laying sideways on his stomach. ” “Now sis , that was just a one time thing, playing around out there in the boat. It must be sticking out there at least six inches, Dave’s sister can’t believe the size of it, she licks her lips, then rubs her pussy, she has to have her brothers cock, but how does she do it ? Just then his fishing pole jumps, Dave , you’ve got a bite she says,” he jumps up form his sleep, not knowing his stiff cock is sticking out the bottom of this shorts, he grabs his pole, and jerks, “darn I missed him,” then he finally realizes his cock is sticking out the bottom of his shorts, he look’s at his sister and try’s to turn his back, don’t worry about it , I’ve already seen it, nice cock.

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