#104743 - August 5 Dear Diary, Wow is college gonna be fun, my new room mate, Sally is such a dear, and let's be honest about this, she has a wonderful mouth!!! The thing I think I like best is the communal shower area, where it looks like you can get either as much cock or pussy as you need!!! When I told mom about the shower, she got kinda envious and wished she was gonna be able to suck all that fine young cock!!! I don't think I'd better tell Isaac about that part though, he's not exactly the jealous type, but if he thought that yours truly was gonna be gettin' all the strange hot cock a girl could want, well, he just might go off the deep end!!! Amy visited her college last week too, and from what she tells me, she already has one course aced!!! She ran into her professor in Lit 100, and of course being the ingenious little pussy that she is, she fucked him six ways from Sunday and practically gave the old guy a heart attack!!! Just when he thought they were finishe