Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#172638 - His first act was to order Tina to take centre stage where we could all see her obvious charms, tweak her nipples or finger her cunt or arse or both, give her a slap on the arse and marvel at the way in which her inner juices just kept running down her legs. She said that since she had broken up with her boyfriend and couldn’t face her parents she had nowhere to live and I offered her a chance to stay with me and she gratefully accepted as she owed me a lot saving her from being raped and didn’t know how to repay me. It was then that Dad decided that it was time Tina was inducted into our little group once and for all and sat on the lounge with his erection sticking straight up and told the girls to bring Tina over and place the head of his cock against her cunt and then to force her down until they were locked pube to pube.

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Lincoln loud
What the fuck are they using to wash this floor
When you lick your beautiful lips it sends me over the edge
Reimi sugimoto
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Mio kisaragi