Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#56650 - i know it's a bit slow starting and well, maybe to hard core and sick for some people but i hope those of you who are into some of the things in the story liked it. i had thought it was just a dream, the likelihood of something like that happening was so small it practically didnt even exist. my shit is not as big as his but it is still huge probably weighing four pounds, where as his weighed eight pounds.

Read Blackcocks Seikou Akki Kageaki Muramasa Donburi hen - Full metal daemon muramasa Massage Seikou Akki Kageaki Muramasa Donburi hen

Most commented on Blackcocks Seikou Akki Kageaki Muramasa Donburi hen - Full metal daemon muramasa Massage

Shizuo heiwajima
Ur so hot
Sadao maou
Perfect pair of tits
Tamako harakawa
Song in the beginning of the hentai lol