Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#204433 - . I took out a camera my mom had given to me when I was twelve, and take some pictures to the scared kid, then I took out my knife and I made a big hole in the boy's jeans, so it would lead me to his little ass, and so I began to fuck him with my fingers in order to begin-mmmMM!mmMMM!-screamed David, (what a pleasant feeling it was coming into my fingers, so good that I couldn't resist more than ten seconds before the next step) I took out my pennis, and enjoyed him a little bit more-MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!-he was yelling so hard, but there was no one there to help. To be continued.

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