Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#308611 - Their conversations were sparse, strictly limited to business, and after each encounter, when he would go home and unwind from his day, Bob would fill in the blanks with his own fantasies of not only how she came into that sort of money but the things she would do to him. He just knew for sure that she was going to say, “None of your fucking business,” but he had to ask; he wanted to know so he could put his suspicions to bed. Bob slithered into the chair and awaited further instruction.

Read Private Suzuya, Seijunha! - Kantai collection Tease Suzuya, Seijunha!

Most commented on Private Suzuya, Seijunha! - Kantai collection Tease

Reimu hakurei
Well i guess its just me then
Amazing girl
Gray fullbuster
Oculus rift might be nice but this hentai is lit