Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#190301 - Ranma jumped out of the pond grabbed hands with his father Genma and started chanting, Im cured, Im cured, Im really really cured while they did a little happy dance, Wow boy do you think if I got roasted the curse would leave me too? Genma said as he splashed himself with some cold water turning into a large black and white panda bear holding a sign that said, What does panda meat taste like?. Ranma was placed on a large serving platter in the same position she had been in on the counter the platter was placed on a cart that would allow Kasume to wheel her into the dining room to the table to be carved and served with the spit still inside her, this would be removed by Soan at the start of the dinner when everyone was seated ready to eat, Akane we are ready to eat come down now Soan yelled from the dining room. Well what do you men think about getting the little roast down here and TENDOrize her? Soan said as he stood up from the table, Yes Tendo let get her down he

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