Doujinshi | Mind Control Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#45173 - The group began to rise from their slumber as the sun rose again, those that had taken last watch handing out strips of dried meat to the waking, the wizards walking through the camp using their magic to cast simple cleansing spells, ensuring that the group stayed clean and smelling fresh. She could not help but keep flicking her eyes back to the spire that sat on the horizon, impossibly tall, the shear black tower rose high into the sky, passing above into the clouds. Rosaria felt the woman moan into her mouth as she began trailing her fingers around her pleasure bud, Rosaria moaned back and bit at the woman’s lower lip, dragging the nails of the hand not busy down the woman's back, this earned her a hiss of mixed pain and pleasure and the woman pushed her back, a couch appearing beneath her as she fell.

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